Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Science Journal "Nature" Regularly Publishes Very Low-Quality Neuroscience Research

 The year 2024 ends today, and we can ponder how neuroscientists have made no progress this year in trying to substantiate the main belief dogmas of their conformist belief community, such as the dogma that brains make minds and the dogma that brains store memories. A story yesterday at the LiveScience.com site was entitled "15 times the brain blew our minds in 2024." The article attempts to tell us about the biggest research advances in neuroscience in the year 2024. We get no mentions of any very impressive results that are examples of robust science shedding light on human brains. 

There is a mention of the research claiming to have found 3 copies of a memory, a claim that is debunked in my post here entitled "No, They Didn't Find in a Brain '3 Copies of Every Memory,' and They Never Even Found One."  The research study in question was a very bad example of Questionable Research Practices, such as using way-too-small study group sizes such as a group of only four mice. The LiveScience article also has an "Origin of Psychosis" section that incorrectly describes a brain scan study by saying, "Using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the scans, scientists found overlapping 'signatures' in the brains of people with psychosis." No, the actual study analyzed brain signatures of about 100 people with a rare genetic mutation that merely increases the risk of schizophrenia. Such a mutation occurs in one in 4000 people. Then the article has a teaser title of "Conscious Lab Grown Brains?" But we are assured this will not happen any time soon 

As a representative snapshot of the dismal state of neuroscience research, let's look at some research referred to today in an article on the RealClearScience.com site. We have a link to an article with the misleading headline "Why your sleeping brain replays new rewarding experiences." There is no actual evidence that memory recall occurs because of brain activity, and there is no evidence at all that in sleep people tend to have dreams of rewarding experiences. The article refers us to a study published in the journal Nature, a study that is an example of very low-quality neuroscience research.  

The study is entitled "Reward biases spontaneous neural reactivation during sleep," and had a very silly design. A small group of people (a starting group of only 18) played video games while having their brains scanned, and were then put in a fMRI brain scanner, and told to fall asleep. The idea was to study brain scans and look for signs that people were replaying during sleep rewarding moments during their video game experiences.  This idea was ludicrous. You cannot tell what people are thinking or remembering or dreaming by looking at brain scans. 

A starting group of 18 people were used, but some of these were disqualified because they did not fall asleep or did not win in the game. The remaining group was a study group size of only 13 people. A study group size of only 13 people is way too small for a reliable result in a correlation-seeking study like this. The paper "Prevalence of Mixed-methods Sampling Designs in Social Science Research" has a Table 2 giving recommendations for minimum study group sizes for different types of research. According to the paper, the minimum number of subjects for an experimental study are 21 subjects per study group. The same table lists 61 subjects per study group as a minimum for a "correlational" study. 

In her post “Why Most Published Neuroscience Findings Are False,” Kelly Zalocusky PhD calculates that the median effect size of neuroscience studies is about .51. She then states the following, talking about statistical power (something that needs to be .5 or greater to be moderately convincing): 

"To get a power of 0.2, with an effect size of 0.51, the sample size needs to be 12 per group. This fits well with my intuition of sample sizes in (behavioral) neuroscience, and might actually be a little generous. To bump our power up to 0.5, we would need an n of 31 per group. A power of 0.8 would require 60 per group."

If we describe a power of .5 as being moderately convincing, it therefore seems that 31 subjects per study group is needed for an experimental neuroscience study to be moderately convincing. But most experimental neuroscience studies use fewer than 15 subjects per study group. And the study "Reward biases spontaneous neural reactivation during sleep" has used a way-too-small study group size of only 13. The authors would have discovered their inadequate sample sizes if they had done a sample size calculation, but they did not do such a thing (or at least they do not mention doing such a thing). 

What went on is that the authors analyzed brain scans, looking for something they could claim is some faint trace of a memory replay or dream replay of some reward experienced during a video game.  It was an affair of comparing brain scans during sleep, looking for some similarity somewhere between brain scans taken when someone had a video game reward. Since no blinding protocol was used, no pre-registration was used, and no control subjects were used, any claims to have found evidence of such a thing are worthless, particularly given the tiny study group size. It's just fishing-expedition see-what-you're-hoping-to-find pareidolia. The authors were free to slice and dice data in any way they wanted, until they found something they could claim  as some support for their hypothesis, using any of endless possible analysis pathways.  Similarly, a person eagerly scanning thousands of photos of clouds hoping to find some animal shape can report a few successes here or there. Nowadays people doing these kind of noise-mining fishing-expeditions are aided by correlation-seeking software that has a great ability to analyze data in a thousand-and-one different ways, and find false alarm correlations that are not caused by any  causal relation. So it's ever-easier to do "keep torturing the data until it confesses" like the hypothetical duo below:

A sensible way to proceed in such a study would be to wake subjects up, and ask them if they had any dream that was anything like some dream of a reward. Nothing like that was done. The subjects were not asked what dreams they had. Of course, because if they had been asked that they would not have said anything about having dreams related to their video game experiences. 

I have been recording my dreams every night for almost four years, and you can read about such dreams in my very long post here. It is not true that people tend to have dreams of rewarding experiences they have had, and it is not true that people tend to have dreams of rewarding experiences they had in video games.  For nearly four years I have played video games for about an hour every night, just before sleeping; and during these same four years I have recorded my dreams throughout the night, as soon as I awoke and remembered a dream (I awake quite a few times each night).  I have had very many rewarding experiences during such video game playing (such as regularly advancing to new levels and overcoming hard challenges). But I have never noticed any tendency whatsoever for my dreams to be about video game experiences. And I notice no tendency at all for my dreams to be about rewarding experiences I have had. I can never recall ever having any dream that seemed to be inspired by what I had experienced in a video game. 

We should note well the needless potential risk to subjects occurring for the sake of this very-low-quality study. We are told subjects had their brains scanned for 40 minutes while playing video games, and had their brains scanned for an average of nearly two hours while they were sleeping: "The sleep session lasted between 51 min and 2 h 40 min (mean: 1 h 43 min)."   We are told "The two runs of the game session comprised 615 scans and 603 scans, respectively, and the run of sleep session, for the data used in the analyses reported in the main text, comprised on average 2789 scans (between 1459 and 3589 scans)." An average brain scan for medical purposes requires not many minutes of scanning. and according to the page here, the default is only 32 scans: "the default of 32 slices will cover most of the brain in most subjects."  Here we have hours of medically unnecessary brain scanning that may have subjected the subjects to needless risks, the type of risks discussed in my post here, entitled "Poorly Designed Brain Scan Experiments Needlessly Put the Needy at Risk." There is also an additional potential for trauma when someone wakes up in a brain scanner. The subjects may have been subjected to substantial risk, only for the sake of a study so poorly designed that it fails to produce robust evidence to back up its claims. The scanning was done with 3T scanners twice as intense as the 1.5T brain scanners that have been used for most medical brain scanning. Some neuroscientists are starting to use 7T brain scanners, despite the lack of adequate data on the long-term safety of scanning at such an intensity. 

According to the paper here ("The effects of repeated brain MRI on
chromosomal damage") which 
judged genetic damage from 3T MRI scans, "While we do not report any change after a single MRI session, repeated exposure was associated with an increase in the frequency of chromosomal deletions." The paper "Genotoxic effects of 3 T magnetic resonance imaging in cultured human lymphocytes" found that chromosomal aberrations (CA) increased in proportion to the length of time someone had a 3T MRI scan. It says, "the frequencies of CAs in lymphocytes exposed for 0, 45, 67, and 89 min were 1.33, 2.33, 3.67, and 4.67 per 200 cells, respectively." Such chromosomal deletions and aberrations probably increase cancer risk, or the risk of equally devastating problems.

In this study the brain scans seemed to have been completely unnecessary. You could have much better tested the hypothesis that recent reward memories are replayed during sleep by using a decent study group size of 30 subjects, having them play reward-producing video games late at night, and then having the subjects sleep in the lab, with no brain scanning ever done. You could have woken up the subjects at different intervals in the night, and asked them about their dreams, to judge whether they were having dreams that were like their video game experiences or rewards of such games. How many neuroscientists are like the guy imagined below?

brain scan mania
                   It seems like scan-o-mania

The journal Nature has published this very low-quality study. The same journal regularly publishes neuroscience research of very low  quality. It is a huge mistake to think that neuroscience research is strong because it is published in journals such as Nature and Cell. These journals have for many years published many examples of neuroscience research of very low quality. 

If you doubt that neuroscientists are sometimes guilty of "scan-o-mania," read here for a discussion of how subjects were scanned unnecessarily for 38 hours each in a 7T scanner (described as "ultra-high magnetic strength") to create an unnecessary database (of very dubious usefulness) tracking nothing other than how brains look when people were looking at different natural scenes. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Meister and Zheng's Nonsense Claim That Humans Live at Ten Bits Per Second

Ah, the cushy life of the modern biologist. He can do a poorly designed experimental study, and his bungling research can get published (being approved by peer-reviewers who often do research just as bad). His bungling research can get trumpeted by the uncritical "echo chamber" guys that call themselves science journalists, but who typically act more like cheerleaders rather than good journalists. Or he can write some study making the most glaring factual errors and the laziest type of scholarship, and if he has produced something interesting-sounding, a horde of websites eager for profitable clickbait will make sure his claims are repeated on a hundred web pages. To get the hype ball rolling, it helps to have a typical university press office, populated by writers willing to engage in the most shameless exaggeration, trying to make dross results look like gold. 

hype of science results

A recent example is the bungling paper "The Unbearable Slowness of Being: Why do we live at 10 bits/s?" by Jieyu Zheng and Markus Meister. The paper makes the extremely untrue claim that the "throughput of human behavior" is  10 bits per second. The authors state, "the information throughput of human behavior is about 10 bits/s." Throughput is defined as "the amount of material or items passing through a system or process."

The authors quickly tell how they got this idea. They say that good typists typically type at 120 words per minutes. Erring by a factor of 1000%, the authors then give some utterly erroneous calculation trying to suggest this is a speed of only 10 bits per second. We read this:

The reference is to some old paper behind a paywall. Whatever obscure thing "entropy per character" is, it sure isn't the number of bits per character needed to transmit or store a stream of typed characters. Doing a Google search for "number of bits in one character" will give you an answer of "8 bits."

Our authors have gone way, way wrong. The information content of written English is a fact that almost everyone agrees on. An English character contains about one byte of information, as innumerable writers have stated. One byte is 8 bits of information. The average word in English has about five characters, and requires about 40 bits of information to store or transmit. Since people need to type an average of one space character per word, it effectively requires 48 bits of information per word typed. A person typing at 120 words per minute is producing output at a rate of about 48 times 120 bits per minute, which is 5760 bits per minute, which is a rate of 96 bits per second. By claiming that someone typing at 120 words per minute is producing output at a rate of only 10 bits per second,  Zheng and Meister have produced a calculation that is a wrong by a factor of about 960%. 

If you doubt my claims above, consider how an English character is stored and transmitted in computer systems. Characters are stored and transmitted using the ASCII code system, which involves storing each typeable character as a specific decimal number.  You can search for "ASCII table" to see how the system works. Punctuation marks are represented by the numbers between 32 and 47,  the numbers 58 to 64,  the numbers 91 to 96, and the numbers 123 to 126. The numbers 0 through 9 are represented by the numbers 48 to 57. Uppercase letters are represented by the numbers 65 to 90. Lowercase letters are represented by the numbers 97 to 122. 

Under the ASCII system a keyboard character is represented by a decimal number between 1 and 128. Storing or transmitting a decimal number that can vary between 1 and 128 always requires at least 7 binary bits. For example, the number 100 is stored as 1100011 in binary, and the number 115 is stored as 1110001. Since it requires at least 7 bits per character to store or transmit a character, and since an English word of average length and the space character after it consists of six characters, the correct calculation for the output bit transmission rate of typing 120 words per minute is below:

Bits per minute = 7 * 6 * 120 = 5040

Bits per second = 5040 /60 = 84

So typing at 120 words per minute involves a bit output of about 84 bits per second, which is 800% higher than Zheng and Meister have estimated. The fastest human typist typed at 305 words per minute, which is a rate of more than 200 bits per second. This is an output more than twenty times greater than the "10 bits per second" figure cited by Meister and Zheng. 

But the numbers above are actually a 50% underestimation of the throughput occurring. The typists who type 120 words per minute are reading as they type. To properly calculate the throughput (the total number of bits moving around), we must calculate both the activity of reading the 120 words and the activity of typing the 120 words.  Doing that, we are left with a total throughput of 168 bits per second, which is more than 1600% higher than the throughput Zheng and Meister have estimated.

An ordinary old guy like me can sing the four lines below in about 8 seconds:

I am the very model of a modern Major-General,

I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;

These lines are the opening lines of Gilbert and Sullivan's patter song with the same title as the first line. The four lines have a total of 207 characters, including the spaces. I can sing them at a rate of about 26 characters per second. That is an output of about 208 bits per second. This is an output more than twenty times greater than the "10 bits per second" figure cited by Meister and Zheng.  And I haven't even considered the additional information content involved, because when I sing that each syllable is a note on the musical scale; and I didn't factor in that additional part of the information. To calculate the total throughput, you should double that figure of 208 bits per second, because what is going on is not just verbal output but also recall. When I sing that fast I am both recalling at more than 208 bits per second and also singing at more than 208 bits per second. So the total throughput should be calculated as  more than 416 bits per seconds. This is an output more than forty times greater than the "10 bits per second" figure cited by Meister and Zheng. I can also add additional throughput by dealing out playing cards in a line as I sing at the rate above. 

John Moschitta Jr. demonstrated the ability to speak at a rate of about 50 characters per second, an output rate of more than 400 bits per second. Any guitarist or pianist simultaneously singing and playing at the fastest tempo will be producing throughput of 200 bits per second or more, often more than 400 bits per second. To calculate the total throughput, you would need to start by computing three different things: (1) the bits required for each word; (2) the bits required for each played note; (3) the bits required for each note sung. After making that calculation, you should double the result, to account not just for the auditory output, but the additional work of either recalling all the information or reading it from a musical score. 

Meister and Zheng's claim about humans living at 10 bits per second is obviously nonsense that is wrong by a factor of very many times, wrong by at least 4000%, and probably very much more. Why would people want to claim that human mental performance is so many times  slower than it is? To answer that question, we may consider the general tendency of biologists to make grotesque misrepresentations of  human mental performance. Biologists and materialists are constantly trying to depict humans as mental performers vastly worse than humans are. 

In a previous post I stated a rule:

The first rule of neural explanation: the credibility of any claim that human minds are produced by brains (or are the same thing as brain states) is inversely proportional to the diversity and depth of human mental experiences, the number of mental powers that humans have, and the speed, skill and depth of such powers. 

Because of this rule, biologists and materialists adhering to the "brains make minds" dogma very frequently depict human minds and human mental performance in misleading ways, trying to depict humans minds as very much less than they are, and human mental performance very much worse than it is.  There are many examples and facets of this misrepresentation:

(1) A biologist may make the absurd claim that there is no fundamental difference between the minds of humans and the minds of other mammals, a glaring misstatement made by Charles Darwin (link) and others. 
(2) A biologist or some other materialist may depict human memory as error-prone, thereby ignoring or failing to study numerous cases of flawless memory performance by humans, such as cases of people who memorized without error poems with thousands of lines. 
(3) A biologist or some other materialist may claim the non-existence of human psychic powers, failing to study hundreds of years of very good evidence for the reality of such powers. 
(4) A biologist may depict human learning as something requiring multiple sensory exposures, ignoring abundant evidence everywhere that humans very often learn things after a single sensory experience. 
(5) A biologist or some other materialist may use the silly trick of describing the human mind as mere "consciousness," a trick that makes human minds sound a million times simpler and less impressive than they are. 

The "10 bits per second" nonsense of Meister and Zheng is just the latest example of biologists senselessly depicting the human mind and human mental performance as very much less than it is. Their very obviously erroneous paper has been trumpeted by science journalists, who acted in their usual uncritical way, rather as if they were North Korean journalists who repeat without question every claim made by North Korean government officials, no matter how obviously false it may be. 

So, for example, we have an article on the paper by Carl Zimmer, who has very long acted as a "pushover" science journalist for the New York Times, seemingly accepting without critical scrutiny very many cases of dubious or untenable claims made by professors. Zimmer promotes the nonsensical claims of Meister and Zheng, just as he has promoted very many professor claims that fail to hold up to critical scrutiny. He quotes Meister stating the glaring falsehood that "we are incredibly slow." It does not occur to Zimmer to point out that this claim is obvious nonsense, given that humans can instantly provide detailed answers and biographical descriptions as soon as they hear a single name or as soon as they see a single picture of someone's face. That is blazing fast speed beyond any possible neural explanation, particularly given all of the many speed bumps and slowing factors in brains. We recognize and recall at  the speed of souls, not brains. 

bad science journalism

In general, neuroscientists are very often poor scholars of human minds and the best examples of human mental performance, poor scholars of human mental experiences in all their strange variety, poor scholars of brain-related medical case histories, and also surprisingly inadequate general scholars of brains themselves. A broad and very deep and thorough study of best human mental performances, human minds, human mental experiences in all their variety, human medical case histories in all their variety, and human brains (including all of their physical shortfalls) is not conducive to holding the type of "brains make minds" and  "brains store memories" dogmas that neuroscientists cling to so zealously. A very interesting topic for a scientific paper would be to do a face-to-face survey of 100 neuroscientists attempting to reveal how well they understood basic facts about human mental performance and facts relevant to whether brains make minds and whether brains store memories.  I think the poor results would be shocking. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Eyes and Minds Can Focus, But Brains Cannot Physically Focus

One of the many impressive abilities of the human mind is its ability to focus. A mind can focus on a particular topic or a particular problem, restricting itself so that it only thinks about that topic. A mind can also focus on some particular time when something occurred.  For example, you may think for a few minutes only about some day that was the happiest day of your life. Or you may think for a few minutes about some bad experience.  Or you may spend a few minutes thinking about a restricted subject, such as the death of John Kennedy. 

If the brain is the source of the human mind, then we should be able to find in the brain some physical effect that is similar to the mind's ability to focus on a particular topic. It is easy to imagine some extraterrestrial creature that has a thinking organ that shows clear signs of focusing.  We could, for example, imagine such a creature having a brain with a movable read-write unit that moves around from one part of the brain to another, like a subway car moving from one subway station to another. If this moving read-write unit moved to one particular hundredth or thousandth of the brain, and scanned  information from that tiny part, that would be a physical reality that might correspond to a mind focusing on one particular topic or one particular time in a person's lifetime. 

Nothing like such a moving read-write unit exists in the human brain.  There is no anatomical structure that moves around from one part of the brain to another. The brain has nothing like a read-write unit. 

There are no anatomical parts in the brain that move around on small time scales. No cell or structure moves from one part of the brain to another over a time scale of a few minutes. The neurons and synapses of the brain are structurally entangled in a way that prevents any short-term movement by them. Just as a tree is connected to many roots that lock it into place at a particular spot, neurons have many synaptic connections that lock the neurons into place at a particular spot in the brain. 

Searching for the topic of "moving parts in the brain" you will get a discussion of movement during morphogenesis or human development. That is a very slow process occurring over weeks or months, something that is useless in trying to explain how a brain could explain the mind's ability to focus. Searching for the same topic will give you some sites discussing what are called microglial cells. Such cells have a function of helping the brain deal with injury or infection. A paper "The Physiology of Microglia" tells us that such cells move at a speed of up to seven nanometers per minute (a nanometer is a billionth of a meter). Such a speed is very many times too slow to support any idea that some movement of microglial cells might help explain a focusing effect in the brain. 

Could there be any focusing effect caused by extra blood rushing to some part of the brain? Scientists do not claim that nerve signals are transmitted by blood. Nerve signals are transmitted electrically and chemically by things such as neurotransmitters that must travel across the gaps of synapses, a strong slowing factor.  There is no reason to believe that some increased blood flow to some particular part of the brain could cause some kind of mental focusing effect. 

Scientists have a device to measure blood flow in the brain: the fMRI machine.  Neuroscientists have given us decades of misleading statements and visuals relating to this device. The fMRI machine is commonly depicted as a device for showing the level of brain activity. It is instead merely a measure of blood flow in the brain. For decades neuroscientists have been guilty of publishing deceptive visuals based on fMRI machine scans. In such visuals very tiny changes in blood flow such as 1 part in 200 are depicted with very different colors, thereby creating the impression that there was some big difference, when there was really only a tiny difference such as 1 part in 200.  The misrepresentations that go on in brain imaging studies are discussed in my post here, entitled "Neuroscientists Keep Using Misleading Coloring in Brain Visuals."

Let's look at some things that can focus:

  • Eyes are able to focus, because eyes have muscles that change the shape of parts of the eye when someone focuses on an object he is looking at. There are no muscles in the brain, and nothing similar to eye focus can occur in the brain. 
  • A book also has a built-in mechanism allowing a kind of focus to occur. The pages of the book and the binding of the book allow the book to be opened to a group of two pages. That is a kind of focus. There is no corresponding mechanism in the brain. A book can be opened to two particular pages in it, temporarily restricting reading to those two pages. A brain cannot ever have some kind of modification so that it becomes temporarily restricted to reading from one particular part of the brain. 
  • A microscope has circular controls that can be moved to allow the microscope to focus on one tiny area in front of it.  There is no comparable physical mechanism in the brain. 
  • A 35 millimeter camera has circular parts that you can use to focus the camera on one area or spot in front of it. There is no comparable physical mechanism in the brain. 
  • A telescope has one or more circular controls that can be moved to allow it to focus on a particular part of the sky. There is no comparable physical mechanism in the brain. 
  • A film projector and a roll of film have a physical structure that allow focus on one particular frame on the roll of film at any particular instant.  There is no comparable physical mechanism in the brain. 

All six of these things have one thing in common: they all have non-microscopic (i.e. macroscopic) moving parts that allow the focus mechanism to occur.  There are no non-microscopic moving parts in the brain. So there is no neural account which can explain how a brain could achieve some focus effect that would correspond to the mind's ability to instantly focus on any of countless thousands of different topics. The lack of any physical focusing mechanism in the brain corresponding to the mind's ability to instantly focus on some topic is another reason for disbelieving that brains are the source of the human mind. 

The brain has nothing like a camera's focus mechanism

Postscript: A reader asks about whether the brain could be using something like the solid-state drives (SSD) used recently in computers. Solid state drives (SSD) are a very advanced digital /electronic technology very dependent on transistors, a 3D grid architecture and advanced digital technology, including a very sophisticated piece of controller software. There's nothing like that in the brain. The brain has no 3D grid architecture, no digital architecture, no software, no addresses and no 3D coordinates. The brain has no addresses for tiny positions in 3D space. 

Such a SSD device at some particular instant may, for example, receive a command to retrieve from sheet number 50, row number 133,343 and column number 232,223.  It seems that could not correspond to something going on in a brain where there  are no such 3D coordinates and no neuron addresses.

An SSD device has an architecture rather like the one below, but with vastly more nodes in the 3D grid. Such an architecture is completely dependent on there being nodes that are separated by precise uniform distance amounts, according to some rule such as "the distance between every node and the nearest node is always exactly .0000001 centimeter." That does not correspond to how neurons are arranged in the brain. 

Rather than being arranged in such a 3D grid, neurons in the brain are arranged in random scatterings, rather like shown in the visual below:

Monday, December 16, 2024

Large Neuron Groups Cannot Be Sequentially Traversed, So Brains Cannot Store Complex Learned Information

 Humans store information in many different ways, but there is a common element in almost every way that data is stored and retrieved: the element of sequential traversal. Sequential traversal means some proceeding from a current reading position to the next reading position. 

Sequential Traversal: A Crucial Aspect of Most Types of Information Retrieval

Let us look at some examples of how sequential traversal is going on in various types of information storage and information retrieval. A simple example is a book. A book is physically arranged in a way to allow a sequential traversal of its words, On a particular page, we see letters and words arranged in a particular sequence, so that the reader can read from the top left of a page to the bottom right of the page. The reader turns the pages to go from a page on the right to the next page, which is another type of sequential traversal.  The arrangement that allows sequential traversal is a crucial aspect allowing the book's information to be read.  A book would be unreadable if all of it words were just lying as tiny scraps of paper in a heap in a can the size of a large trash can. Under such an arrangement, there could be no sequential traversal, and reading the book would be impossible. 

A web page also depends crucially on sequential traversal.  When you go to a web page you see words arranged in a sequential order. You read the web page as someone would read a page of a book, from the top left to the bottom right. If the words on the page were in some random order, you could not read the page. 

Sequential traversal is also a key element of movies. When you see a movie in a movie theater, you are seeing a series of individual photos (called frames) which are sequentially displayed at a rate of 24 photos or frames per second. The physical design of the roll of film and the film projector guarantee that the frames of the movie are displayed in a particular sequential order.  There occurs sequential traversal at a steady rate, from the time the movie begins to the time the movie ends. 

Something very similar is going on when a video is displayed on a computer. The video actually consists of a series of photos, with the total number of photos being equal to about the length of the video in seconds multiplied by 24. You can use a utility such as ffmpeg to extract all of the individual photos that make up a video. When you press the Play button to play a video, there occurs sequential traversal from the beginning of the video to the end. You can stop the sequential traversal by pressing the Pause button. 

When you watch something on television, it is usually an affair of sequential traversal.  A typical TV show that is not "live" is made from a tape that is a series of photos collected by a TV camera photographing at about 24 times per second.  When a TV station plays a program at a scheduled date, a stored series of images and sounds is sequentially traversed and broadcast.  

When you access some TV show "on demand," the same sequential traversal is occurring. A live TV broadcast may not involve such a sequential traversal. There may be a continuous stream of images and sounds directly from some TV camera, without the data ever being first stored and then sequentially retrieved. But if such a broadcast is never taped, then it does not qualify as a retrieval of stored information. So such live TV broadcasts do not discredit my claim that almost all retrieval of stored information requires sequential traversal. 

On your computer you may retrieve particular documents and images. When that happens, it is very much a case of sequential traversal. When you retrieve from the hard drive of your computer some text document that you or someone else wrote, your computer finds some particular start position, and then sequentially traverses until the end of the document is reached. When you retrieve some image from your computer, something similar goes on. Typically the computer reads from some starting position on the hard drive, and then sequentially traverses the file, reading a stream of pixels, until the end of the file is reached. Rather than displaying that stream of pixels as a single line (something that would be too long to fit on your computer screen), you see the long series of pixels displayed using a rule such as "when you have filled up a line of 400 pixels, move down one line, and to the left edge, and then resume writing pixels from there." 

Sequential traversal also occurs in the retrieval of musical information.  The now-outdated technology of vinyl records used sequential traversal. To play a 33 rpm album from beginning to end, you would place the needle on a spot near the edge of the album, and the record player would rotate around and around in a circle. Sequential traversal would occur until the end of the album was reached. 

Sequential traversal would also occur when cassette tapes were played. The tape would be placed in a machine that would cause the tape to slowly move, and as that happened the tape would be sequentially traversed. 

In a live music performance such as the performance of a symphony or opera, there also occurs sequential traversal. A musical score is printed in a book or publication placed in front of musicians, and the musicians sequentially traverse such a manuscript, acting like readers of a book, and turning the pages. 

Sequential traversal was a key aspect of the videotapes that were used for decades to store television shows. A VCR tape would be wound like the thread wound around a spool.  As the tape played, the units at the center of the tape would be rotated, causing a sequential traversal of the tape in front of some reading unit. Once a tape had been played to its end, someone would need to rewind to its beginning so that the tape be watched again. So stores renting videotapes had a slogan of "be kind and rewind."

In the world of computer programming, the retrieval of data almost everywhere requires sequential traversal. For example:

(1) A basic type of data structure in computer programming is an array, which has all data stored in a contiguous series  Such a structure is sequentially traversed through operations such as "for" loops, which move sequentially from the first position in the array to the last position in the array. 
(2) Another very common data structure in computer programming is called a linked list. The data in a linked list may be discontinuous, with the data scattered around in different positions.  But each position must have a particular position.  The data in a linked list is sequentially traversed by using a programming loop. Even though the data is scattered, the whole list can be retrieved because each node in the list has the address of the next node in the list. 

In the world of biology, we know for sure of one case in which data is retrieved: the case of DNA. A DNA molecule has a linear structure that allows sequential retrieval, a structure that has been compared to a spiral staircase.  We know that when data is read from a DNA molecule, it is very much a case of sequential traversal, moving in one direction from one position in the molecule to another position further down the line in the same direction. 

Can we think of any kind of data storage and retrieval that does not involve sequential traversal?  There are a few. For example, a painter can paint a picture in a way that does not involve sequential traversal. Rather than moving in a "top to down, and left to right" manner, an artist can fill in features of the painting in a random order. And when someone looks at the picture, he can take it all in a single glance, rather than scanning the picture from top to bottom.  But cases such as these (involving data storage and retrieval without sequential traversal) are relatively rare compared to cases of data storage and retrieval using sequential traversal; and such cases involving no sequential traversal require very specific tools such as paint, a paintbrush and a canvas, tools that are not available in the brain. 

Why Large Neuron Groups Cannot Be Sequentially Traversed

So now that we have seen that almost all data storage and retrieval involves sequential traversal, we should consider the very important question: does the human brain have any physical architecture that might allow complex learned information to be stored and retrieved using sequential traversal?  The answer is: no, it does not. 

I could schematically depict a set of neurons with a visual like the one below. The little circles represent individual neurons. The diagram greatly understates the number of connections between individual neurons. It has been estimated that the average neuron has a synaptic connection to about 1000 other neurons. 

Consider the recall of sequential information. Imagine you are trying to recall a series of words. We might imagine that individual parts of the sequence are stored in individual neurons – perhaps something a little like the schematic visual below. 

But how could you recall the sequence in its correct order? Nerve cells are scattered throughout three dimensional space, with each neuron having many connections to other neurons (about 1000, according to many estimates). If information were stored in nerve cells, there would seem to be no way for a sequence to be stored in a way that would allow a sequential recall involving a long series, such as happens when an actor playing Hamlet recalls all of his many lines in the correct order. We can't imagine the brain simply going from one neuron to the “next” neuron to retrieve a sequence of information. This is because neurons don't exist in chains in which a particular neuron has a “next” neuron. Each neuron is connected to very many other neurons.

Below we see a map of Dupont Circle in Washington D.C.

Once your car gets on Dupont Circle, there is no “next” place to go. You've reached an interchange in which there are 10 roads feeding out of the circular interchange. Similarly, in the photos below we see neurons. Each one of the parts coming out of the nerve cell is a path that can be traversed from this nerve cell. Such an arrangement should not offer any support for storing a sequence of information such as the lines in a play or the notes in a song. There's no “next” route leading from one neuron to the next neuron. Every neuron is like Dupont Circle, except that there are even more paths leading out of the typical neuron.

Here are some shots from the page here (part of the site here) which allows you to rotate in 3D some neurons that had their structure mapped. We see in the first image seven dendrites branching out from the body of a neuron; and those dendrites each branch out into multiple branches, so that there is a connection between each neuron and many other neurons. 

With such an arrangement there is no possibility of sequential traversal across a long sequence of neurons. There's no “next” route leading from one neuron to the next neuron. There are very many pathways leading from each neuron to some other neuron.  A neuron will typically have 5-7 main dendrites leading out of it, but those each branch out into many other other branches, as illustrated below, with very many of those dendrites connecting to other neurons. 

As I indicated before, for a sequential traversal to occur, it is not necessary for there to be a traversal of storage positions that are contiguous in space. There are data structures such as linked lists that allow long series to be sequentially retrieved even though the data may be in scattered positions that are not physically contiguous.  But such data structures not requiring contiguous positioning absolutely require that the scattered data elements have addresses. And there are no addresses in the brain. Neurons do not have neuron numbers or position coordinates or anything like addresses. Therefore you cannot have in the brain anything like a linked list that can be sequentially traversed to retrieve information from a series of neurons that are not contiguous. Linked lists require addresses for each of the nodes in the list, but neurons have no addresses. 

We can imagine a structure of some brain of an extraterrestrial creature, one that might support sequential traversal. Such an extraterrestrial's brain might have very many chains like the one below, with the circles being something like cells or neurons. The chains might be very long. It might then be possible for stored information to be sequentially traversed, by some process by which a cursor or reading unit travels along the chain. 

This is NOT how neurons are arranged in the brain

But the human has no such structure. Instead of each neuron having a single "next neuron" as the next link in a chain pointing in one direction, every neuron has very many "next neurons" located in all different directions, as the photos above suggest. Under such an arrangement there can be no sequential traversal. 

There is another reason why large groups of neurons cannot be sequentially traversed.  Sequential traversal requires some type of physical movement action that causes a particular position to temporarily become the current position. But in a brain no such thing can happen. There is no possibility of any neuron becoming the "current neuron" in an act of sequential traversal. 

Below is a table showing some of the ways in which the current reading position changes in devices in which sequential traversal occurs:

Type of sequential traversal device

What causes the current reading position to change

Is this cause microscopic?

33 RPM vinyl record and a record player

The record rotates in a circle, causing the needle's position to change


Cassette audio tape and cassette player

The spools of the tape player turn around in a circle, causing the part of the tape next to the reader to change continually


Video tape and VCR

The spools of the tape player turn around in a circle, causing the part of the tape next to the reader to change continually



The reader's eyes move left to right, and to the next line when the end of each line is reached. Also the reader uses his finger to turn the page when the end of a page is reached.


Movie and film projector

The film projector causes the film spool to turn in a circle, which causes the part of the film next to the light to continually change


Computer hard drive

The hard drive rotates in a circle, and also the read/write head may move to a different position



During DNA transcription, part of the DNA is sequentially traversed by a complex RNA polymerase enzyme, and copied into an RNA transcript molecule. As the RNA polymerase molecule moves along the linear chain of the DNA molecule, the current reading position changes.  



Could anything like this be happening in the brain? Nothing like the first six things mentioned can be happening in the brain, because the brain has no moving parts except for microscopic molecular parts. Could anything like the last row be happening in the brain? No sign of any such thing can be found. 

We can start to imagine the beginnings of how such a thing might work. We can imagine that there is some "reader molecule" comparable to RNA polymerase, one that has the job of traversing neurons to read some particular learned information, such as the opening lines of Shakespeare's "To Be or Not to Be" soliloquy. We can imagine that such a molecule might gather more and more information as it traverses a group of neurons. But no such molecule has been found. If it existed, it would have been discovered about the same time that RNA polymerase was discovered, around 1959. 

And there are several reasons why such a reader molecule traversing many neurons cannot exist. The first reason involves the "no next neuron" issue discussed above. The RNA polymerase molecule can gather a longer and longer RNA transcript as it reads more and more of a part of DNA. The RNA polymerase molecule can find the next spot to move by simply moving further in the same direction, moving farther down the chain. But given the physical structure of neurons, as suggested in the photos above,  nothing similar can happen. For each neuron there is no "next neuron." Every neuron is connected to very many other neurons, supposedly something like 1000. So sequential traversal cannot occur to get a particular sequence of stored information. 

There is another "show stopper" here, the fact that synapses do not reliably transmit information. Tests have shown that synapses only transmit signals with a reliability of 50% or less. So a "reader molecule" trying to traverse a set of neurons to gather information would never be able to reliably extract information from some sequence of neurons. Whenever such a molecule reached a particular neuron, it would be like someone in the circular roundabout at  Dupont Circle (shown above) where are there ten different directions to go to. Except that it would be 100 times worse, because coming from  every neuron there would be a thousand different synaptic connections, each leading to different neurons, making it impossible to retrieve sequential information by sequential traversal. 

When I search for "average distance between neurons in micrometers," I get an answer of around 20-50 micrometers. When I search for "how far do neurotransmitters travel" I get an answer of "neurotransmitters travel a distance of tens to hundreds of micrometers." A neuroscience textbook says this:

"In contrast, the distance over which neurotransmitters act is miniscule. At many synapses, transmitters bind only to receptors on the postsynaptic cell that directly underlies the presynaptic terminal (Figure 6.2A); in such cases, the transmitter acts over distances less than a micrometer. Even when neurotransmitters diffuse locally to alter the electrical properties of multiple postsynaptic (and sometimes presynaptic) cells in the vicinity (Figure 6.2B), they act only over distances of tens to hundreds of micrometers."

It seems, therefore, that there is no complex molecule transmitted over any long sequence of neurons (such as twenty neurons), a reality that just gives another strong reason for thinking that neuron groups cannot be sequentially traversed in any way that could involve some retrieval of complex learned information. A person imagining some sequential traversal of neurons might vaguely say "the brain traverses" some sequence of neurons, but for that to be a physical reality there would need to be either a moving anatomical part that moves over such a line of neurons, or a complex molecule that moves over such a distance to gather up the sequence. The brain has no visible moving parts, and there seems to be no complex neurotransmitter molecule that ever travels across some long sequence of neurons. 

The facts force us to a shocking conclusion contrary to the unfounded dogmas of neuroscientists about what goes on in the brain. The facts of how neurons are organized in the brain force us to conclude: there cannot be any sequential traversal in the brain amounting to a retrieval of complex stored information. For example, when someone recalls the thirty word of the first sentence of the Gettysburg Address, as many Americans can do, that cannot be happening through a retrieval of information stored in a brain. We cannot imagine any sequential traversal of neurons that would allow the retrieval of a long series of words. 

The conclusion reached here is consistent with the reality that no one has ever been able to retrieve any sequence of learned information by studying brain tissue. A large amount of brain tissue has been retrieved from living subjects who underwent brain operations. Such tissue is often normal, healthy brain tissue. For example, to treat severe epileptic seizures, large fractions of the brain may be removed, as much as half of a brain. No one microscopically studying such extracted brain tissue has ever found the slightest trace of learned information. No one has ever found a single word stored in a brain, nor has anyone ever found a single image of something someone saw by studying removed brain tissue. Besides removal of brain tissue from living patients, very many people agreed to donate their brains to medical science upon death. Very many brains of people who recently died have been studied. Such study has never retrieved a single word or a single image extracted from a brain. The utter failure of the microscopic investigation of brain tissue to produce any sign of learned information is consistent with what I have discussed in this post: that the brain has a type of physical architecture that should prevent the sequential traversal of learned information from ever occurring. 

People remember things, but there has never been any evidence that brains store the things that people remember. Everywhere the facts of neuroscience and the facts of human memory performance contradict the claim that the brain stores memories. One of these facts is the fact that humans can instantly acquire permanent new memories, as a person does when he learns of the death of one of his parents or sons or daughters. Such instant learning would be impossible if memory was a brain phenomenon, as all theories of brain learning appeal vaguely to processes such as synapse strengthening that occur only very slowly. Another example of those facts involves the short lifetimes of proteins in the brain. The average lifetime of proteins in the brain and its synapses is less than two weeks. Because of all the very high molecular turnover in the brain, you do not have the same synapses or the same dendritic spines that you had five years ago. But humans can reliably remember detailed memories acquired fifty or sixty years ago. A third example of such facts is the simple fact that humans can instantly recall many facts about a person as soon as they hear the name of such a person. Such instant recall should be impossible in a brain utterly lacking in addresses, indexes and sorting, the things that make instant recall possible using devices that humans build. 

So how did we ever get a community of experts claiming that the brain stores memories?  That is easily explained on sociological and psychological grounds. Around the year 1800, when very little was known about the brain, there arose in universities various types of belief communities populated by people passionately opposed to the idea of a human soul.  Such people founded neuroscience departments where "brains make minds" and "brains store memories" were required belief tenets.  During the two centuries since then, innumerable observations have contradicted such dogmas. But when a passionate belief community arises, it can continue to teach its dogmas as a kind of sacred creed that it is taboo to challenge. So for generation after generation the "brains make minds" and "brains store memories" tenets have been passed down from one generation to the next. 

When each new generation of neuroscience professor arises, it is not a case of the new generation independently reaching conclusions matching those of their professor predecessors. It is instead a case of a belief tradition being passed from one generation to the next, in an authoritarian "do not challenge the teachings of your teachers" fashion, similar to what goes on in organized religions when old belief traditions (often outdated ones) are passed on from one generation to the next. 

scientist belief traditions

dogmatism of neuroscience professors

What happens is that neuroscientists are constantly making dogmatic claims that memories are stored in brains; but a search for ignorance confessions by neuroscientists on this topic will find many quotes that would never be made if such dogmatic claims were true. Here are some of these quotes by doctors and scientists, with links to the sources of such quotes:
  • "Direct evidence that synaptic plasticity is the actual cellular mechanism for human learning and memory is lacking." -- 3 scientists, "Synaptic plasticity in human cortical circuits: cellular mechanisms of learning and memory in the human brain?" 
  • "The fundamental problem is that we don't really know where or how thoughts are stored in the brain. We can't read thoughts if we don't understand the neuroscience behind them." -- Juan Alvaro Gallego, neuroscientist. 
  • "The search for the neuroanatomical locus of semantic memory has simultaneously led us nowhere and everywhere. There is no compelling evidence that any one brain region plays a dedicated and privileged role in the representation or retrieval of all sorts of semantic knowledge."  Psychologist Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, "Neuroimaging studies of semantic memory: inferring 'how' from 'where' ".
  • "How the brain stores and retrieves memories is an important unsolved problem in neuroscience." --Achint Kumar, "A Model For Hierarchical Memory Storage in Piriform Cortex." 
  • "We are still far from identifying the 'double helix' of memory—if one even exists. We do not have a clear idea of how long-term, specific information may be stored in the brain, into separate engrams that can be reactivated when relevant."  -- Two scientists, "Understanding the physical basis of memory: Molecular mechanisms of the engram."
  • "There is no chain of reasonable inferences by means of which our present, albeit highly imperfect, view of the functional organization of the brain can be reconciled with the possibility of its acquiring, storing and retrieving nervous information by encoding such information in molecules of nucleic acid or protein." -- Molecular geneticist G. S. Stent, quoted in the paper here
  • "Up to this point, we still don’t understand how we maintain memories in our brains for up to our entire lifetimes.”  --neuroscientist Sakina Palida.
  • "The available evidence makes it extremely unlikely that synapses are the site of long-term memory storage for representational content (i.e., memory for 'facts' about quantities like space, time, and number)." --Samuel J. Gershman,  "The molecular memory code and synaptic plasticity: A synthesis."
  • "Synapses are signal conductors, not symbols. They do not stand for anything. They convey information bearing signals between neurons, but they do not themselves convey information forward in time, as does, for example, a gene or a register in computer memory. No specifiable fact about the animal’s experience can be read off from the synapses that have been altered by that experience.” -- Two scientists, "Locating the engram: Should we look for plastic synapses or information- storing molecules?
  • " If I wanted to transfer my memories into a machine, I would need to know what my memories are made of. But nobody knows." -- neuroscientist Guillaume Thierry (link). 
  • "While a lot of studies have focused on memory processes such as memory consolidation and retrieval, very little is known about memory storage" -- scientific paper (link).
  • "While LTP is assumed to be the neural correlate of learning and memory, no conclusive evidence has been produced to substantiate that when an organism learns LTP occurs in that organism’s brain or brain correlate."  -- PhD thesis of a scientist, 2007 (link). 
  • "Memory retrieval is even more mysterious than storage. When I ask if you know Alex Ritchie, the answer is immediately obvious to you, and there is no good theory to explain how memory retrieval can happen so quickly." -- Neuroscientist David Eagleman.
  • "How could that encoded information be retrieved and transcribed from the enduring structure into the transient signals that carry that same information to the computational machinery that acts on the information?....In the voluminous contemporary literature on the neurobiology of memory, there is no discussion of these questions."  ---  Neuroscientists C. R. Gallistel and Adam Philip King, "Memory and the Computational Brain: Why Cognitive Science Will Transform Neuroscience,"  preface. 
  • "The very first thing that any computer scientist would want to know about a computer is how it writes to memory and reads from memory....Yet we do not really know how this most foundational element of computation is implemented in the brain."  -- Noam Chomsky and Robert C. Berwick, "Why Only Us? Language and Evolution," page 50
  • "When we are looking for a mechanism that implements a read/write memory in the nervous system, looking at synaptic strength and connectivity patterns might be misleading for many reasons...Tentative evidence for the (classical) cognitive scientists' reservations toward the synapse as the locus of memory in the brain has accumulated....Changes in synaptic strength are not directly related to storage of new information in memory....The rate of synaptic turnover in absence of learning is actually so high that the newly formed connections (which supposedly encode the new memory) will have vanished in due time. It is worth noticing that these findings actually are to be expected when considering that synapses are made of proteins which are generally known to have a short lifetime...Synapses have been found to be constantly turning over in all parts of cortex that have been examined using two-photon microscopy so far...The synapse is probably an ill fit when looking for a basic memory mechanism in the nervous system." -- Scientist Patrick C. Trettenbrein, "The Demise of the Synapse As the Locus of Memory: A Looming Paradigm Shift? (link).
  • "Most neuroscientists believe that memories are encoded by changing the strength of synaptic connections between neurons....Nevertheless, the question of whether memories are stored locally at synapses remains a point of contention. Some cognitive neuroscientists have argued that for the brain to work as a computational device, it must have the equivalent of a read/write memory and the synapse is far too complex to serve this purpose (Gaallistel and King, 2009Trettenbrein, 2016). While it is conceptually simple for computers to store synaptic weights digitally using their read/write capabilities during deep learning, for biological systems no realistic biological mechanism has yet been proposed, or in my opinion could be envisioned, that would decode symbolic information in a series of molecular switches (Gaallistel and King, 2009) and then transform this information into specific synaptic weights." -- Neuroscientist Wayne S. Sossin (link).
  • "We take up the question that will have been pressing on the minds of many readers ever since it became clear that we are profoundly skeptical about the hypothesis that the physical basis of memory is some form of synaptic plasticity, the only hypothesis that has ever been seriously considered by the neuroscience community. The obvious question is: Well, if it’s not synaptic plasticity, what is it? Here, we refuse to be drawn. We do not think we know what the mechanism of an addressable read/write memory is, and we have no faith in our ability to conjecture a correct answer."  -- Neuroscientists C. R. Gallistel and Adam Philip King, "Memory and the Computational Brain Why Cognitive Science Will Transform Neuroscience."  page Xvi (preface)
  • "Current theories of synaptic plasticity and network activity cannot explain learning, memory, and cognition."  -- Neuroscientist Hessameddin AkhlaghpourÆš (link). 
  • "We don’t know how the brain stores anything, let alone words." -- Scientists David Poeppel and, William Idsardi, 2022 (link).
  • "If we believe that memories are made of patterns of synaptic connections sculpted by experience, and if we know, behaviorally, that motor memories last a lifetime, then how can we explain the fact that individual synaptic spines are constantly turning over and that aggregate synaptic strengths are constantly fluctuating? How can the memories outlast their putative constitutive components?" --Neuroscientists Emilio Bizzi and Robert Ajemian (link).
  • "After more than 70 years of research efforts by cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists, the question of where memory information is stored in the brain remains unresolved." -- Psychologist James Tee and engineering expert Desmond P. Taylor, "Where Is Memory Information Stored in the Brain?"
  • "There is no such thing as encoding a perception...There is no such thing as a neural code...Nothing that one might find in the brain could possibly be a representation of the fact that one was told that Hastings was fought in 1066." -- M. R.  Bennett, Professor of Physiology at the University of Sydney (link).
  • "No sense has been given to the idea of encoding or representing factual information in the neurons and synapses of the brain." -- M. R. Bennett, Professor of Physiology at the University of Sydney (link).
  • ""Despite over a hundred years of research, the cellular/molecular mechanisms underlying learning and memory are still not completely understood. Many hypotheses have been proposed, but there is no consensus for any of these."  -- Two scientists in a 2024 paper (link). 
  • "We have still not discovered the physical basis of memory, despite more than a century of efforts by many leading figures. Researchers searching for the physical basis of memory are looking for the wrong thing (the associative bond) in the wrong place (the synaptic junction), guided by an erroneous conception of what memory is and the role it plays in computation." --Neuroscientist C.R. Gallistel, "The Physical Basis of Memory," 2021.
  • "To name but a few examples, the formation of memories and the basis of conscious  perception, crossing  the threshold  of  awareness, the  interplay  of  electrical  and  molecular-biochemical mechanisms of signal transduction at synapses, the role of glial cells in signal transduction and metabolism, the role of different brain states in the life-long reorganization of the synaptic structure or  the mechanism of how  cell  assemblies  generate a  concrete  cognitive  function are  all important processes that remain to be characterized." -- "The coming decade of digital brain research, a 2023 paper co-authored by more than 100 neuroscientists, one confessing scientists don't understand how a brain could store memories. 
  • "The human brain isn’t really empty, of course. But it does not contain most of the things people think it does – not even simple things such as ‘memories’....We don’t create representations of visual stimuli, store them in a short-term memory buffer, and then transfer the representation into a long-term memory device. We don’t retrieve information or images or words from memory registers. Computers do all of these things, but organisms do not." -- Robert Epstein,  senior research psychologist, "The Empty Brain." 
  • "Despite recent advancements in identifying engram cells, our understanding of their regulatory and functional mechanisms remains in its infancy." -- Scientists claiming erroneously in 2024 that there have been recent advancements in identifying engram cells, but confessing there is no understanding of how they work (link).
  • "Study of the genetics of human memory is in its infancy though many genes have been investigated for their association to memory in humans and non-human animals."  -- Scientists in 2022 (link).
  • "The neurobiology of memory is still in its infancy." -- Scientist in 2020 (link). 
  • "The investigation of the neuroanatomical bases of semantic memory is in its infancy." -- 3 scientists, 2007 (link). 
  • "Currently, our knowledge pertaining to the neural construct of intelligence and memory is in its infancy." -- Scientists, 2011 (link). 
  •  "Very little is known about the underlying mechanisms for visual recognition memory."  -- two scientists (link). 
  • "Conclusive evidence that specific long-term memory formation relies on dendritic growth and structural synaptic changes has proven elusive. Connectionist models of memory based on this hypothesis are confronted with the so-called plasticity stability dilemma or catastrophic interference. Other fundamental limitations of these models are the feature binding problem, the speed of learning, the capacity of the memory, the localisation in time of an event and the problem of spatio-temporal pattern generation."  -- Two scientists in 2022 (link). 
  • "The mechanisms governing successful episodic memory formation, consolidation and retrieval remain elusive,"  - Bogdan Draganski, cognitive neuroscientist (link)

I mentioned above the trivial case of being able to remember the first sentence of the Gettysburg Address. It is a fact that humans can display sequential recall abilities hundreds of times greater than that, which makes the arguments stated above all the more weighty. For example:
  • The mathematician Leonhard Euler could recite the entire Aeneid from beginning to end, a work of 9896 lines.  Another mathematician (Alexander Aitken) also memorized the whole Aeneid, and could recite the first 1000 digits of pi. 

  • Between age 59 and age 67 a person memorized all 10,565 lines of Milton's Paradise Lost, recalling the entire work over a three-day period.

  • The famous conductor Toscanini was able to keep conducting despite bad eyesight, because he had memorized the musical scores of a very large number of symphonies and operas. According to the 1920 newspaper article here, he had so well-memorized 150 opera scores that he "never even glances at a score when conducting."

  • scientific paper says, "Rajan S. Mahadevan ...was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records (McWhirter, 1983) for reciting pi to 31,811 places."  

  • Salvatore Baccaloni memorized 168 opera roles. George Vogan de Arrezo memorized the entire text of Virgil's Aeneid (consisting of 9,896 lines). Aitken and JB  performed similar feats when they memorized epic poems of about 10,000 lines. Leste May Williams memorized 12,000 verses of the Bible, including the entire New Testament. The New Testament has about 180,000 words, so the feat of Leste May Williams would seem to be far more impressive than the memorization of Virgil's Aeneid, which has only 63,719 words. The same feat of memorizing the New Testament was achieved by a male minister (Henry M. Halley).

  • It is well known that many Muslim scholars have memorized the entire text of their holy book, a book with 6236 verses.